
FDOH COVID-19 Update

Other News Posted by: Reposted by Central Florida Cities on Aug 1, 2020 3:19PM

The FDOH COVID-19 dashboard is updated once a day. Visit floridahealthcovid19.gov.
As of 11 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 1, the state COVID-19 report shows Highlands County has 1,197 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19, which includes 3 non-residents. FDOH reports Highlands County now has 29 deaths attributed to COVID-19. The three deaths being reported today are a 62-year-old female, a 74-year-old male, and an 80-year-old female. All are Highlands County residents.
Highlands County information
Total reported cases: 1,197
Residents: 1,194
Non-residents: 3
Deaths: 29
Total* hospitalizations: 143
Current** COVID-19 hospitalizations: 53
*Since COVID-19 reporting began
**As of 11:01 a.m. via AHCA
State information
Total Positive Persons: 480,028
Positive Florida Residents: 474,621
(Includes 8 Florida Residents Tested Elsewhere)
Positive Non-Florida Residents in Florida: 5,407
Deaths: 7,022
For information on Highlands County data, visit floridahealthcovid19.gov. From there you may view the state's COVID-19 dashboard and the state list, and county reports, all of which are updated once a day.

Reposted by Sebring.com from Highlands County Sheriff Department

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