
Scam Alert

Crime/Public Safety Posted by: Reposted by Central Florida Cities on Apr 27, 2024 9:55PM

Warrant scam still very active
Scammers are still calling residents claiming to be law enforcement and demanding money to prevent being arrested on a warrant. They may say it is for missing jury duty, or failing to show up as a witness, or that you have been somehow linked to a crime that took place in another state or, really, almost anything that seems somewhat plausible.
We are being contacted daily about these types of calls. They are also claiming to be from the Sebring Police Department on some of the newest calls.
No law enforcement agency will ever call you and ask for money in order to make a warrant go away. That is not how things work. If you have a warrant, we will come find you in person and the money you pay will be for bail.
These scammers are very good at what they do. They do their research and use names of actual law enforcement officers and judges and can make it look like they are calling from the agency's actual phone number. However, they still use methods common to most scams:
They ask for payment via gift card, money transfer or cash. This is done because those are the hardest to trace and once the money is sent, it is basically impossible to get any of it back. No legitimate business (or agency) would ask for payment via gift cards or a money wire.
They want you to stay on the phone while you are getting the payment. This is done so they can keep applying pressure and not have a chance to think about what is going on. They also don't want to give you a chance to call someone and ask for advice.
If you get a call like this, just hang up. Please help us spread the word about this type of scam to anyone you know who does not use social media and may be vulnerable to falling for it.

SOURCE: Highlands County Sheriffs Office Repost

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